Rhi's Chao World !!!

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The first evelution of chao

when the chao is nearly one it will go into a cocoon and evolve. The chao will evolve into a normal, hero or dark chao. here is a picture of the cocoon that it will go into while it is evolving.


Second Evelution
When your chao is 2/3 it will evolve again but this time it will not go into a cocoon.
Reincarnation / Death
When your Chao is 5 years of age it will go into another cocoon and die (if you havent been nice to it) or reincarnate(if you have been kind to it).

Please do not steal anything from here if you want anything to use on your website or for any other commercial purpose please contact me. Rhi's Chao Wold is an unofficial fansite and is not associated with or supported by SEGA or Sonic Team. Chao, Sonic, the Sonic adventure series, and the sonic advanced series is (c) SEGA 1999-2006.